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「アート/ケア/文化政策」研究会第三回公開研究会 “Arts/Care/Cultural Policy” Research Group The Third Symposium

Mekong Cultural Hub Meeting Point on Art & Social Action 2022  Local Gathering in Hamamatsu 

A Practical Study of Arts Management to Deal with "Difficulties in Living”:
A Perspective of Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice


Friday.28.10.2022 18:00 ~20:30  (UTC+9, 17:30 venue open)

静岡文化芸術大学総合演習室, Zoom(ハイブリッド開催)

Shizuoka University of Arts and Culture, Integrated Seminar Room & Zoom  (Hybrid)  
会場定員20名、オンライン定員100名  20 participants in person, 100 online



 反抑圧的ソーシャルワーク(Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice、AOP)では、そうした「もやもや」を個人の責任ではなく、だれもが「いい子=社会の優等生」でいることを強いられている社会のあり方(=抑圧)によるものだと捉えます。そして、「これは、おかしい!」と思うことには、「本当にこれでいいの?」と声を上げることも必要だと考えます。




 私たちの研究会は、文化政策・アートマネジメント研究とケアの理論の接続を試みるものです。第3回公開研究会では、東南アジアを中心にソーシャルアクションを起こす芸術団体とのネットワーク構築を展開するMekong Cultural Hub とタイアップし、アジア圏の実践家とも繋がることを目指します。




18:00〜 司会(風間勇助/東京大学・日本学術振興会DC1)
18:10~ 上田市「うえだ子どもシネマクラブ」について(大蔵真由美/松本大学准教授)


18:30〜 浜松市における取り組み 


    鴨江アートセンターにおける子どもを対象としたワークショップの取り組みについて(澤柳 美千子/ 浜松市鴨江アートセンター

19:15〜 休憩(10分) 
19:25〜 討論者コメント(中川眞/大阪公立大学特任教授) 
20:30 終了 



*本イベントはMekong Cultural Hub, JSPS科研費22K13019, 20J22827の助成を受けています。

 Have you ever felt “something is wrong ...” or “life is difficult ...” in your everyday life? Do you attribute such “difficulty in living” to your failure or lack of effort?

 Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice (AOP) does not attribute these difficulties to the fault of any individual, but to the various types of oppression that are created by social norms and institutions. AOP insists that when we feel “something is wrong,” it is necessary to question that feeling and speak up.

 This symposium refers to AOP as a starting point for launching a dialogue on creating a space for children through art. We will introduce two case studies: “Children’s Cinema Club” in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture and an art workshop for children in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Both programs have regularly provided children who had experienced—consciously or unconsciously—“difficulties in life (or oppression)”with a physical space to encourage them to freely choose and decide what they want to do with it. We invite you to join us in exploring arts practices that confront this “oppression.”

 Our symposium will attempt to connect research on cultural policy with ethics of care. For our third public symposium, we worked with Mekong Cultural Hub, which is developing a network of arts organizations to take social action in Southeast Asia and other regions. 


28 October (Fri) 17:30 - venue open         

18:00- Moderator (Yusuke Kazama / JSPS research fellow (DC1), University of Tokyo)

Greetings from the host institution (Akemi Minamida / Lecturer, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture)

Introduction: What is anti-oppressive social work? ( Ritsuko Saito / Researcher, National University of Singapore ) 


18:10 - Ueda City "Ueda Children's Cinema Club" (Mayumi Okura / Associate Professor, Matsumoto University)


18:30- Projects in Hamamatsu City 

-About the multicultural efforts of Hamamatsu City (Erika Suzuki /Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange(HICE) )

-Hamamatsu Multicultural Music Project: Creating an alternative space for children with   foreign countries through music ( Akemi Minamida / Lecturer, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture )

-The Kamoe Art Center's workshops for children (Michiko Sawayanagi / Kamoe Art Center, Hamamatsu).

19:15 - Break time (10 minutes) 

19:25 - Discussant's comments (Prof. Shin Nakagawa / Osaka Metropolitan University) 


20:30 End 

*This event is granted by Mekong Cultural Hub, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers: 22K13019, and 20J22827.

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