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「生きにくさ」と向きあうアートマネジメントの実践研究: 反抑圧的ソーシャルワークを手掛かりに 


ケアの概念を実践に落とし込んだ反抑圧的ソーシャルワーク(Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice, AOP)を応用した新たなアートマネジメントの姿を探求する実践研究です。「生きにくさ(=抑圧)」は、社会構造による力の不均衡から生じているものですが、多くの人々は個人の問題や自己責任と捉えていることから、その声を表現できないでいます。本研究では、近年声を上げる機会や声に耳を傾けられる機会に注目され始めた「子ども」に焦点を当てて、アートマネジメントの実践を通した理論構築を目指しています。

A Practical Study of Arts Management to Deal with "Difficulties in Living”: A Perspective of Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice” 

March. 2022~

This practical study explores a new form of art management that applies Anti-Oppressive (social work) Practice (AOP), which incorporates the concept of care into practice. Difficulty in living (i.e., oppression) is a result of the imbalance of power caused by the social structure. Moreover, the voices of the people who suffer from "difficulties in living" are buried in society. This is because the "difficulty of living" is often seen as individual problems and self-responsibility in neo-liberalism. Our collaborative research aims to build a theory through arts management practice, focusing on "children," who have begun to attract attention in recent years as an opportunity to speak up and be heard.

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